Ohio University’s Residence Hall Association is located in the Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (CAACURH), which includes schools from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. Students from Ohio University will attend two regional and one national conference every year. Conference locations vary as a different university is selected each year to host each conference.
Delegates getting ready for opening ceremonies at NACURH 2024!
Ohio University delegates (plus Quest Morris) posing at NACURH 2024 hosted at New Mexico State University!
The Residence Hall Association is affiliated with the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Inc. (NACURH). Bringing together over 400 schools from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Australia, NACURH is considered to be the largest student run organization in the world. NACURH promotes living on campus as an essential piece of the college experience and provides resources to student leaders at schools across the world.
NACURH 2024 at New Mexico State University Recap!
Each spring, the Residence Hall Association elects eight executive officers to lead the group for the following academic year. These positions comprise the Executive Board of tRAC: President, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Vice President for Finance & CFO, Vice President for Programming, Vice President for Marketing & Public Relations, Vice President for Student Services, National Communications Coordinator, and Diversity Chair.